Black African Rehabilitating Foundation (BARF) hereby invites application from qualified primary school pupils for its 2020/2021 POST-PRIMARY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD.
Black African Rehabilitating Foundation (BARF) hereby invites application from qualified primary school pupils for its 2020/2021 POST-PRIMARY SCHOLARSHIP AWARD.
Black African Rehabilitating Foundation (BARF) recognizes the threats of massive youth unemployment and restiveness as well as the anti-social behaviors of youths when not economically engaged.
The bulk of the African populace are under the grapple of stark illiteracy- the inability to read, write or comprehend formal and acceptable spoken or written means of communication.
We understand that women and children are most vulnerable in the society. They need to be protected from the pawn of callous individuals in the society. In the light of this, we held a women’s empowerment programme aimed at enlightening women on self dependence, entrepreneurship and women trafficking. The programme
Black African Rehabilitating Foundation(BARF) relates well to the prevailing menace of poverty in African countries, Nigeria precisely. Many families in Nigeria cannot afford in fact not just three square meals but a square meal per day
Sixty to seventy percent of African countries are involved in the agricultural sector. Despite this, they can not yet meet their major food requirements. The sector is bedevilled by various factors like inadequate farm inputs, shortage of storage and processing facilities, illiteracy of the farmers to mention but a few.